Ultrasound is an advanced imaging technique that uses sound waves to provide a real-time moving image of your pets internal organs. Ultrasound is particularly useful for diagnosing heart problems and conditions pertaining to the abdominal organs such as the liver, kidneys, spleen, gall bladder, pancreas and urinary bladder. It is also very useful for diagnosing pregnancy in the early stages.
Ultrasound is a non-invasive and painless procedure with no known side effects. It often does not require sedation or anesthesia to perform. This makes it a safe and effective diagnostic tool.
At the Grenville-Dundas Veterinary Clinic, we have an ultrasound machine that allows us to examine the abdominal organs and diagnose pregnancy as early as 30 days post-breeding. For specialized imaging, we call on the services of a veterinary internal medicine specialist, who will travel to our practice to perform a thorough ultrasound procedure on your pet.
Ultrasound is a non-invasive and painless procedure with no known side effects. It often does not require sedation or anesthesia to perform. This makes it a safe and effective diagnostic tool.
At the Grenville-Dundas Veterinary Clinic, we have an ultrasound machine that allows us to examine the abdominal organs and diagnose pregnancy as early as 30 days post-breeding. For specialized imaging, we call on the services of a veterinary internal medicine specialist, who will travel to our practice to perform a thorough ultrasound procedure on your pet.
Grenville-Dundas Veterinary Clinic, 2643 County Rd. 43, Kemptville ON, K0G 1J0
613-258-2394 [email protected]
613-258-2394 [email protected]